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Newborn in Martin-club

13.10.09 | Denis Vasiluk
Бажаємо щастя та міцного здоров’я Ілоні та Розанні!
One of the clients of children rights protection hotel - 17 years old - Ilona Belodedova became a mother. Welcomed and adored baby with height of 52 cm and weight 3250 grams the young mother decided to call Rosanna. The girl feels fine and has a giant appetite - for the first week newborn has gained 50 grams in weight.
Recently, a family of Belodeda discharged from the maternity ward and returned to the "Children’s Village", where Ilona spent the last few months before delivery. Addressed to CRP center for legal aid, Ilona decided to use the services of the Childfren rights protection hotel, which today has become a real home for her and her daughter.
We congratulate Ilona on the birth of a charming baby! We wish her health and happiness!